Customized and customizable products
Standard or custom shapes easier to adapt to your items and shelves
• Customizable standard hangers
A range of standard cardboard hangers developed by IDS is available to customers. Adding printing to the hanger differentiates and communicates information to customers.
• Custom hangers
With items weighing between 100 and 1500 grams, IDS can create hangers for each item to be supported. Laboratory tests help define the technical aspects needed for suspension suitable for each model of footwear.
Examples of cardboard hanger shapes
Customization tailored to your communication
• 100% customizable front and back
Thanks to lamination, a cardboard hanger can be printed on both sides in color with a barcode, saving the additional label added with a plastic hanger.
• Cardboard hanger as a communication medium
A hanger is a suspension accessory but can also be an information or differentiation medium in self-service aisles. Your reputation can benefit from the cardboard image among eco-conscious consumers.